Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tips for helping your child during the divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy for the spouses. They have to deal with the constant argument, asset division, and many other stressful and exhausting things.

In the constant chaos, they barely have any time to tend to their children’s needs. This is where things start to go wrong.

Did you know that almost 2/3 of all children of divorced parents end up developing some of the following conditions:
  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Social anxiety

  • Hyper ego

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Temper tantrums

  • Substance abuse

  • Hostile behavior

  • Lack of focus
In order to prevent your child from developing any of the following conditions as a result of your divorce, use these tips and do whatever you can to protect your child from the aftermath of your failed marriage.

Think Children First

No matter what you are dealing with, you have to think about your children first and do everything you can to protect them. If you can, avoid fighting and arguing with your spouse in front of them, avoid talking bad things about your spouse in front of them, avoid bringing them up in your heated arguments with your spouse.

Surround your children with love, and create a loving and caring bubble around them. Protect them with all your might, and don’t let your failed marriage ruin their early lives. They deserve to be happy and enjoy the love and comfort they receive from both parents. Don’t take it away from them, it is not their fault.

If you end up getting a Divorce in Salt Lake City, consider hiring an attorney to protect your best interests. However, keep in mind that you have to find common ground with your spouse in order to protect your child’s best interest.

Talk About The Emotions

Your children may feel different emotions, which may seem confusing at the time. Talk to them and help them understand what is going on. Be sure to tell that they will always have both parents at their side, and encourage them to be strong. Try and talk with them in the way that they can understand what is going on. Prepare them for a change, and say things like “You will spend the weekdays with your mommy, and your weekends with your daddy”. They may find it hard to understand at first and get adjusted to the changes, but when surrounded with love and support, they will accept it in time.

Speak with a Family Law Attorney in Salt Lake City and learn how you can devise a custody plan, one that will be perfect for your child’s needs and suit both you and your spouse’s needs.

It is Not Their Fault

Make sure your children understand that divorce is not their fault. Explain to them that you and your spouse need to go your separate ways, but that you will always be there for them.

Most kids tend to be egocentric and believe that the whole thing is their fault. Your job is to ensure them that your decision is based strictly on your relationship with your spouse.

Give them love and infinite support. Choose your words with care, and do whatever you can to protect them from your divorce.

1 comment:

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